Tuesday, November 20, 2012

NYS DEC states Bigfoots are Mythical

November 20th, 2012

New York State DEC Chief Wildlife Biologist states that Bigfoots are Mythical and do not exist anywhere in the World…

Peter Wiemer, of the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, requested in a second letter dated October 26th, 2012 to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joseph Martens to request better language from the DEC’s first response to Peter’s request in enacting a non-hunting regulation of Bigfoots in New York State.

In Peter’s first letter, dated July 29th, 2012, Mark Kandel, on the Commissioner’s behalf, replied on August 13th, “the DEC does not recognize the occurrence of Big Foot in the state, therefore it is not addressed directly in our hunting regulations. Because it is not addressed there is no open season on Big Foot and they may not be taken.” To clarify, since Bigfoots are not addressed directly in the NYS hunting regulations, they are not to be killed if seen or found, said Peter Wiemer.

Following the announcement of SpikeTV’s $10 million dollar bounty for proof of a Bigfoot and the beginning of big game hunting season in NYS, Mr. Wiemer believed it was reasonable to request again to Commissioner Joseph Martens to provide stronger wording to help protect Bigfoots from being harmed.

In Peter’s second request to the NYS DEC on October 26th via the Commissioner’s website, Peter urged to have stronger wording for those who do not fully understand the species’ rights if not listed. In the response dated November 6th, 2012 by Chief Wildlife Biologist, Gordon R. Batcheller, stated, “This mythical animal does not exist in nature or otherwise... However, the simple truth of the matter is that there is no such animal anywhere in the World. I am sorry to disappoint you. However, no program or action in relation to mythical animals is warranted”.

The letter goes on to talk about how many species of naturally occurring wildlife New York State does have and how the DEC takes care of all of them. If there are people who believe they are out there and those who are witnesses to Bigfoot sightings in NYS, then why wouldn’t the DEC consider their feelings in regards to this species protection?

This is the question Peter Wiemer is trying to get answered. After he created the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, he found himself to be a confidant for those who had seen a Bigfoot. “We have had nine eyewitnesses to date, of Bigfoot sightings in Chautauqua County come forward resolving themselves of the burden of knowing what they saw and were afraid of or not willing to tell because of fear of ridicule. All but one wished to remain anonymous”.

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, are large human like beings covered in hair and standing upwards of eight to ten feet tall. Steve Kulls, a Bigfoot researcher from the Adirondacks, NY reported at the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo on May 6th, 2012 and can be seen on video at their website, that the first documented sighting of a Bigfoot in the USA was in Sackets Harbor, NY in 1818. This, along with many other documented sightings in NYS over the years, including law enforcement, would seem to dispel the notion that Bigfoots are mythical.

The 2nd annual Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Weekend & Expo is planned for April 26th, 27th & 28th, 2013. More information along with pictures and videos can be found at the Expos website.

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